"Encounters Across the Oceans“--Spanish Automobile Association and Dealers Collectively Visited Far Eastern Auto's Booth at Beijing Auto Show


On April 28th, during the Beijing International Automobile Exhibition, a group of 30 people from the Spanish Automobile Association and auto dealers visited the booth of Voyage Auto, including the largest Toyota dealer and the largest Renault dealer in Europe.

Beijing Auto Show

Led by Mr. Mao Jun, General Manager of Marketing of ReHigh, the visiting guests went deep into each product display area of ReHigh to learn more about the features and advantages of ReHigh, from the exterior design to the internal configuration of the vehicles, and from the performance parameters to the product highlights, every detail of which aroused their high concern.

Encounters Across the Oceans

On the scene of the activity, General Manager Mao Jun presided over the cooperation meeting, Mr. Mao introduced the enterprise background and development of DAYUN Group to the visiting guests in detail, and the visiting guests spoke highly of DAYUN Group's strong car-making heritage, excellent product quality, and leading innovative technology, and expressed their intention to continue in-depth cooperation with DAYUN, and the two sides signed an order of 2,000 units on the spot.

Beijing Auto Show

After more than 30 years of car-making history, DAYUN Group has formed a mature self-research and production system, mastered thousands of core patents, and completed a full range of product layout, based on which it has entered the high-end luxury new energy passenger car market, joined hands with the world's top suppliers to build the high-end brand of Yuhang Automobile, and is committed to providing consumers with more luxury, comfortable and dynamic new age automobile within reach. The brand is committed to providing consumers with more luxury, comfort and dynamic new era automobile products.

Encounters Across the Oceans

In addition, DAYUN Group continues to promote the strategic layout of the globalized market, and its products are exported to Asia, Africa, Europe and South America, so the company's road to the sea is fast and steady. In the future, DAYUN is looking forward to cooperating with more overseas dealers, providing better products and services to global customers, jointly promoting the globalization and high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry, and joining hands to create a better new future of mobility.

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